Scrabble gets more interesting and exciting as you try and raise the level of your game. A friendly game of Scrabble within the family is wildly different from a professional local tournament. The quality of your opponent increases at each level. You have to expand your game plan to match their tactics to have any shot at competing with them. You have to train yourself to learn innovative word tips on a regular basis with the help of Scrabble help websites to enhance your game play.



When a player forms a word that covers two Double Word Score (DWS), it is known as a double-double. This move is also regarded as a four-timer by some Scrabble enthusiasts, a successful move like this will leave you with a lot of points on the table. Even a word completed with smaller letters will give you a huge score as the total is then multiplied by 4 (2 x 2). The closest DWS's on the board are separated by 5 spaces, so your new word has to have at least 7 letters. You can create a new word around the letters already on the board.



Exactly like above, when a player forms a word that covers two Triple Word Score (TWS), it is known as a triple-triple. It is very rare that you are presented with an opportunity to actually conjure up a word that covers two TWS's. The new word should consist of at least 8 letters as the TWS's on the table are separated by 6 spaces. The player receives nine times the total word score and this move is also known as the nine-timers. Game over for sure.

You have to improve your word knowledge drastically to ever have a chance at these moves. So rather than being called a Scrabble cheat for blocking your opponent's move, learn new words with the help of Scrabble word finder and hit them with a double-double or triple-triple.